Téma: Jak pověsit velké puzzle na zeď
Uživatel: Hunulak
Reakce čtenářů
Kamarád kdysi velký puzzle rámoval a vypadá to hezky

Věk: 54
For those who read this and want to try an inexpensive solution: use cork bulletin board without a frame and the thinfoil cling film (the wrapping plastic foil which is very clingy to itself, known as Saran Wrap). This is more for smaller puzzles up to 1000 pieces.
How to do it? First put the big puzzle on the bulletin board. The board must be a rectangle without any frames. Then wrap the board around in the cling foil starting at the top-left, continuing to right aiming somewhat lower than when you started. You should aim for a small foil overlap each time you go around on the front face of the board. It takes some skill to wrap the cling film plastic without a lot of wrinkles however it is possible. You will need 4 to 6 hands to do this properly but the results are nice. The puzzle will NOT fall out of place once it's nicely wrapped. You can also secure the cling film plastic at the back with duct tape, so it doesn't unwrap. Then it's really ready to hang.
Please let me know here if you have success with this method, it was completely my idea and I love the result. The idea is to save the puzzle from glue to have it available at any time by tearing away the thin film foil.
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